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Multimodal palm biometric system in development

October 3rd, 2013 | Posted by rihards in Research

Biometric system

We have recently developed a next version of our multimodal palm biometric system prototype. This system can capture palm vein, palmprint, and geometrical information in non-contact way. We have also included an interactive touchscreen interface for demonstration purposes as well as to guide the person how to place his palm in front of the reading device. For demonstration purposes we have developed interactive touchscreen interface, where people can choose between image acquisition in infrared light or visible light spectrum, as well as to explore their filtered image of the vein pattern. Camera works at the frame rate of 30 fps. Filtering of an image is also performed in the real-time (30 fps). System prototype was demonstrated at the BIOSIG 2013 conference along the paper “FPGA based palmprint and palm vein biometric system” where it received best poster award.

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